Please double check your shipping address in the details below. If you find an error, you can edit it by clicking the “edit shipping address” button below. Invalid addresses will cause shipping delays.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you passed up on our offer for an EXTRA NetTec Boost Wifi Repeater a moment ago OR you need MORE, then check this out. Our manufacturer just told us that we have one final shipment coming in with more Wifi Repeaters and wanted you, as a new customer, to be the first to have the opportunity to get more. If you want the NetTec Boost's Inventory EXTRA's Special, where you get an additional THREE Wifi Repeaters for just $69.99 with FREE SHIPPING, Click here... if not, continue below.

This is an American-owned business that doesn't believe it should take 45 days to receive your product from China. Orders are sent from our New Jersey warehouse via USPS, FedEx, UPS, or DHL for international customers depending on speed and efficiency of delivery. Product will be shipped within 48 business hours. Please allow between 5-7 days for standard delivery. You will be emailed a tracking link after your order is shipped. Thank you for your purchase!

Order Date: 06-30-2024

Order Total: $0.00

Shipping Address

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Please double check your shipping address in the details below. If you find an error, you can edit it by clicking the “edit shipping address” button below. Invalid addresses will cause shipping delays.


  • NetTec Boost - 3 Units Gamma Pack $0.00
    Shipping $0.00
    Total $0.00
    Charges on your statement will be processed for $0 and will appear as TACTICAL SUPPLY 8668090004

We are here to help you

If you have any questions or comments about your order or our products, you can reach us at +1(877)661-7377, we are available for you 24/7. You may also email us at Support@GetNetTec and one of our agents will get back to you within 24 hours.

P.S. The offer above is limited to now only with this bit of extra inventory and and price-cut. Once this page is closed, it will not be shown again or offered anywhere else. If you want to get more and not risk us being sold out, click below!

→ Click Here If You Want It ←